        FROM CustomerFeatured, Customer, Services, Servers
        WHERE CustomerFeatured.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID
            AND CustomerFeatured.ServiceID = Services.ServiceID
            AND Services.Server = Servers.id
            AND Services.Name = 'nrcmississippi'
results: nrcmississippi
    [0] => 36
    [id] => 106
    [1] => 5449
    [CustomerID] => 5449
    [2] => 12813
    [ServiceID] => 12813
    [3] => https://www.rivermuseum.com/webcams
    [URL] => https://www.rivermuseum.com/webcams
    [4] => https://www.google.com/maps/place/National+Mississippi+River+Museum+%26+Aquarium/@42.4968909,-90.6635667,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e32b96f3a63363:0x68e161b6c4dcbb4d!8m2!3d42.496887!4d-90.661378
    [MapURL] => https://www.google.com/maps/place/National+Mississippi+River+Museum+%26+Aquarium/@42.4968909,-90.6635667,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e32b96f3a63363:0x68e161b6c4dcbb4d!8m2!3d42.496887!4d-90.661378
    [5] => 42.496891
    [latitude] => 42.496891
    [6] => -90.663567
    [longitude] => -90.663567
    [7] => 1
    [isWebCam] => 1
    [8] => 1
    [isBGcam] => 1
    [9] => 0
    [isNightCam] => 0
    [10] => Mississippi River Webcam
    [title] => Mississippi River Webcam
    [11] => Enjoy looking out from the Port of Dubuque, Iowa, at the Ice Harbor, flood wall, Julien Dubuque Bridge, and the Mighty Mississippi. This webcam is located at the top of the River Museum's National River Center.
    [long_desc] => Enjoy looking out from the Port of Dubuque, Iowa, at the Ice Harbor, flood wall, Julien Dubuque Bridge, and the Mighty Mississippi. This webcam is located at the top of the River Museum's National River Center.
    [12] => 5449
    [13] => 1
    [companies_id] => 1
    [14] => 
    [account_number] => 
    [15] => rivermuseum.com
    [CustomerName] => rivermuseum.com
    [16] => 
    [full_name] => 
    [17] => rivermuseum.com
    [Company] => rivermuseum.com
    [18] => 
    [AddressLine1] => 
    [19] => 
    [AddressLine2] => 
    [20] => Debuque
    [City] => Debuque
    [21] => Iowa
    [State] => Iowa
    [22] => 52001
    [Zip] => 52001
    [23] => US
    [Country] => US
    [24] => 0
    [WorkNumber] => 0
    [25] => 
    [FaxNumber] => 
    [26] => 0
    [HomeNumber] => 0
    [27] => 0
    [MobilNumber] => 0
    [28] => 
    [username] => 
    [29] => 
    [password] => 
    [30] => 
    [password_dev] => 
    [31] => checked
    [Status] => checked
    [32] => 0
    [MFARequired] => 0
    [33] => 
    [Jwebbpurchase] => 
    [34] => 0.00
    [Xynergypurchase] => 0.00
    [35] => 1
    [support_status_id] => 1
    [36] => quarterly
    [billing_interval] => quarterly
    [37] => 
    [pending_interval] => 
    [38] => 0
    [automatic_billing_credit_card_id] => 0
    [39] => 2020-04-03
    [StartDate] => 2020-04-03
    [40] => 0000-00-00
    [EndDate] => 0000-00-00
    [41] => 2025-01-02
    [LastBillDate] => 2025-01-02
    [42] => 0
    [NotifyOnPayment] => 0
    [43] => 0
    [ReferrerID] => 0
    [44] => 
    [hear_about_us] => 
    [45] => 
    [Registrar] => 
    [46] => Free streaming trial
    [Notes] => Free streaming trial
    [47] => nkappen
    [CreatedBy] => nkappen
    [48] => 
    [ModifiedBy] => 
    [49] => 2025-01-02 10:48:49
    [LastUpdated] => 2025-01-19 14:52:14
    [50] => cus_HjnmQdtSgvRVtW
    [stripe_customer_id] => cus_HjnmQdtSgvRVtW
    [51] => 1
    [stripe_autopay] => 1
    [52] => 0
    [is_ach] => 0
    [53] => 1
    [is_taxable] => 1
    [54] => 
    [special_status] => 
    [55] => 12813
    [56] => nrcmississippi
    [Name] => nrcmississippi
    [57] => 
    [parent_service_id] => 
    [58] => 5449
    [59] => 1
    [quantity] => 1
    [60] => 35
    [Type] => 35
    [61] => 106
    [Server] => 106
    [62] => Online
    [streamstatus] => Online
    [63] => 3
    [streamviewers] => 3
    [64] => 
    [ostemplate] => 
    [65] => 
    [os_release] => 
    [66] => 
    [vpsstatus] => 
    [67] => 0.00
    [vps_loadave] => 0.00
    [68] => 0
    [vps_cpus] => 0
    [69] => 0
    [vps_cpuunits] => 0
    [70] => 0.00
    [vps_disk] => 0.00
    [71] => 0
    [vps_ram] => 0
    [72] => 1
    [vps_keep_snapshots_num_days] => 1
    [73] => 
    [vps_uuid] => 
    [74] => 0
    [notune] => 0
    [75] => 0
    [autoscale] => 0
    [76] => 
    [phpversion] => 
    [77] => 
    [mysqlversion] => 
    [78] => 
    [ctid] => 
    [79] => 0
    [cust_serverid] => 0
    [80] => 0
    [cacti_graphid] => 0
    [81] => 0
    [libre_graphid] => 0
    [82] => 2020-04-03
    [83] => 0000-00-00
    [84] => 0000-00-00
    [LastChargeDate] => 0000-00-00
    [85] => 0
    [has_image] => 0
    [86] => 0
    [ignore_ip] => 0
    [87] => 0000-00-00
    [web_left_date] => 0000-00-00
    [88] => 0000-00-00
    [web_verified_date] => 0000-00-00
    [89] => 0000-00-00
    [mail_verified_date] => 0000-00-00
    [90] => 0000-00-00
    [mail_left_date] => 0000-00-00
    [91] => 0000-00-00
    [service_end] => 0000-00-00
    [92] => 0
    [delreasonid] => 0
    [93] => 
    [change_notes] => 
    [94] => nkappen
    [95] => 2025-01-19 14:52:14
    [96] => 0
    [is_imported] => 0
    [97] => 
    [cancel_note] => 
    [98] => 0000-00-00
    [cancel_date] => 0000-00-00
    [99] => 106
    [100] => live4.brownrice.com
    [servername] => live4.brownrice.com
    [101] => 0
    [UID] => 0
    [102] => 0c:c4:7a:7d:e0:3a
    [MAC] => 0c:c4:7a:7d:e0:3a
    [103] => 0
    [is_default] => 0
    [104] =>
    [virt_ip] =>
    [105] =>
    [lan_ip] =>
    [106] =>
    [bmc_ip] =>
    [107] => live4 streaming server in Taos
    [description] => live4 streaming server in Taos
    [108] => 
    [public_description] => 
    [109] => 1
    [hosting_machine] => 1
    [110] => 0
    [service_id] => 0
    [111] => 0
    [virtualserver_host] => 0
    [112] => 0
    [is_privatevz] => 0
    [113] => 1
    [isWowza] => 1
    [114] => https://5ddd47d64e730.streamlock.net:444
    [streamURL] => https://5ddd47d64e730.streamlock.net:444
    [115] => 0
    [auto_create] => 0
    [116] => 0
    [include_in_newsite_form] => 0
    [117] => 0
    [default_hosting_server] => 0
    [118] => 0
    [default_vps_server] => 0
    [119] => 0
    [isSSD] => 0
    [120] => 0
    [ovzversion] => 0
    [121] => 0
    [decommissioned] => 0

Mississippi River Webcam

Debuque, Iowa

Enjoy looking out from the Port of Dubuque, Iowa, at the Ice Harbor, flood wall, Julien Dubuque Bridge, and the Mighty Mississippi. This webcam is located at the top of the River Museum's National River Center.

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